Relocating Your Pets
If you think a big move is discombobulating for you and your family, your dogs, cats and other pets are in for some big changes too. Realize they too might get a little rattled. That’s why beloved family pets need some special consideration of their own during relocation.
Sure, some pets will adjust to their new surroundings fairly quickly and without incident. But others will not. Many animals are confused by their new surroundings and the changes to their routine.
Here are some tips to ease the move on traumatized pets – and pet owners:
- Pay a visit to your veterinarian before leaving town. Ask about handling animal travel and adjustments to the new home. Also be sure to get copies of all vet and vaccination records to take with you.
- Plan ahead to reserve pet-friendly hotels en route if the journey to your new home will require an overnight stay.
- Make sure your pets have identification with a cell phone number and the address of the new home.
- Once you arrive, set up your pet’s bed and feeding areas right away.
- >Re-establish routines for your pet quickly.
- Until they become comfortable with their new surroundings, keep animals indoors or on leash.
- Be generous with your attention and affection until the signs of stress go away and your pet is feeling at home again.