Moving Furniture
If you’ve ever thought about organizing those closets and getting rid of items that just take up space, the time to do it is now. Discuss with your family how your needs have changed over the years and how your new home might accommodate them.
Look at Your Furnishings Objectively
- Sell, donate or throw away furnishings you no longer use or enjoy. Don’t move them.
- Decide where you’ll arrange furnishings in your new home by creating your own floor plan. Using graph paper, draw each room to scale, with 1 inch equaling 1 foot of space. Indicate the location of doors, windows, built-ins and electrical outlets. If you’re buying a newly constructed home, your builder may be able to provide a floor plan.
- Next, measure the size and shape of your major furniture pieces and draw them to scale.
- Cut the shapes from graph paper and arrange the pieces in different ways until you discover a floor plan you like.
- Consider using furnishings in different rooms of the new house. A favorite living room chair may work better in the new bedroom; a dining room cabinet may now look at home in the den.
- If space is at a premium, turn some rooms into multipurpose areas. For instance, in a living/dining room, define the areas by using a hutch or other large piece of furniture as a divider. A sofa bed turns a den into a guest room.
- Position living room furniture so six or more guests are within easy listening distance of each other. In the dining room, allow room around the table so guests may be seated and served with ease.
- Find a focal point in each room — something that draws your eye to it. Focal points are architectural, such as fireplaces, or decorative, such as wall hangings or window treatments. Accentuate your focal point with your furniture arrangement.
Group for Impact
Focus attention in a room with a handsome grouping of furniture. This room showcases a formal arrangement of furniture with space for a piano and two seating areas. Zones are defined by area rugs which can be placed on hard surface floors or over existing carpet.
Direct the Traffic Flow
A sofa or other large piece of furniture can become an effective barricade which guides people through a room in a desired pattern. This sofa was positioned to create a passageway behind it, as well as a cozy seating area in front of the fireplace.
Dare to be Different
A free-and-easy furniture arrangement lends a friendly atmosphere. With the conversation area arranged on a diagonal, attention is directed into the room. Folding screens shut off the bedroom alcove for nighttime privacy.