It Pays to Have a Real Estate Investment Team | Real Living Real Estate

It Pays to Have a Real Estate Investment Team

There are enough complex federal, state, and local laws that protect both landlords and renters that you would basically need a law degree to navigate through it all.

That is why it pays to have a reliable group of professionals who you can call on for guidance as you make rental real estate investments. Here are some of the professionals you will want in your corner:

  • A Real Living Sales Professional (that's us) to help you find the right properties at the best possible price.
  • An attorney who you trust who can keep rental legal matters in order, during the purchase and while renting to tenants.
  • A savvy tax consultant who will be able to make sure you take advantage of real estate tax benefits and steer clear negative tax implications.
  • A sharp insurance agent so you are sure to cover your liabilities with the right type and right amount of rental property insurance.
  • A home inspector with the ability to uncover any hidden defects that could undermine your investment.
  • A reputable banker who you are comfortable with to facilitate the lending process.

We can help advise on potential members of the team, and often can provide advice on adding additional members beyond those listed above, to help safeguard your real estate investment.